To discuss life issues and way to solve them


Saturday 19 May 2018

So many people are living with their eyes open but with blind mind, you have eyes in your mind and if not until your inner eye is open you may be far from your desires in life. Your physical eyes are limited to what is around, but your inner eyes is what give you light to what is inside of you. Purposeful life can not come until our mind is open to what's embedded in us.
In as much as we need our outer eyes, the inner eye is very important also, your life will be an illusion if your mind is blind. According to Helen Keller: she said "the greatest tragedy that can befall any man is to have eyes but can not see". It can be so pathetic to have eyes but cannot see, your life will be miserable if your mind is blind, you will be limited in life as long as you have a blind mind. Open your inner eye to see beyond what's around, open your inner eye to know that your gifting is for a reason. If not until your mind is open, you will not even know how important is your gift, you will not know that you're full of solutions yourself, if not until is open you will continue to see less of yourself and lowly look down on yourself.
Until you begin to see from your mind you will remain at the lower echelon in the society. You're great, you're important, you're the most needed, you're the best but if not until you open your mind to see you will continue to look down on yourself. The problem isn't another person, the problem isn't even your closet person, but you. Wake up and open your inner eye, bring out what's inside of you, the world need it, the world need that gift, the expectation of the world is high on you, don't disappoint your maker and the world. People of high fliers are people that open their inner eye and can solve problem with their gift. We have so many people with blind mind properly dressed walking on the street without nothing to offer, don't be one, don't join them again, join the few that are wiling to do something with their gift. Just in case you want to take lead in your field, open your mind.


Email: pcagents1@gmail

Sule Isaac

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