To discuss life issues and way to solve them


Wednesday 18 April 2018

It was around 10pm on a Saturday that I and some great friends gathered to discuss some life issues that's affecting our generation and possibly reasoned how to solve the problems.
While we were chatting one of the great minds said something that I was left with no options than to note it down immediately, as it has been my culture to note any important word I hear down. He said, "People want something for nothing". That phrase really touched me, that I kept muttering to myself for a while, people want something for nothing.
I flashed my mind back to a book I read sometime ago authored by Stephen R. Covey, Dr Stephen stated a law he called law of causality or law of cause and effect, that whatever we see is as a result of what we think and act upon, he went further to explain that for every effect there's a cause (paraphrased).
A lot of people want to get the recognition they don't deserve, they show mediocre attitude at work and yet want to be paid and promoted by the boss, they're lackadaisical towards their lives, yet they want the best out of life. It doesn't work that way, waiting for something without nothing is waiting in futility.
Robin Sharma in his book " the leader who had no title " said "lucky breaks' are nothing more than unexpected rewards for intelligent choices we've chosen to make. Success doesn't just happen because someone's stars line up. Success both in business and personally, is something that's consciously created". 
You can't possibly receive something without nothing, life will give you back what you invest. 
Our generation has chosen the path of wishing, wishing without proper steps will end up in vain.
In conclusion, waiting for anything and doing nothing is waiting in vain, stand and begin to act now or be ready to remain silent forever.



Email: pcagents1@gmail

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